Sunday, August 1, 2010

mount tampomas Indonesia

Tampomas Mountain Natural Park are located in Buah Dua District ,Congeang, Sindangkerta and Cibeureum Sumedang. State of the field area of this Park is mountainous with an altitude between 625-1684 meters above mean sea level. According to Schmidt and Ferguson's classification below:

Climate including climate type B, the average rainfall is 3518 mm per year.

flora vegetation of this region including the type of rainforrest, the flora consists of a wide range of woody tree species and the types of groups and epiphyt liana. Flora that dominates the region are: Jamuju (Podocarpus imbricatus) Rasamala (Altingia excelsea) Saninten (Castanea argentea) Fauna Wildlife that live in this area are: Kancil (Tragullus javanicus) monkey (Trachypithecus auratus) Warthog (Sus vitatus) Some bird species .

Some Fascination Object and interesting sights in the area of Mount Tampomas namely: Peak of Mount Tampomas (Sangiang Taraje) With a height of ± 1684 m above sea level, covering an area of Ha is open. This location has a high aesthetic value because of these places tourists can enjoy beautiful natural scenery to the Soil and surrounding areas. The existence of the crater holes and big rocks are black to add richness to the imagination of the beholder.

Sacred Tomb Located ± 300 m to North Peak Sangiang Taraje, this place is better known by the name Pasarean. According to the story, the two tombs is a relic (patilasan) from Samaji and King Dalem Siliwangi old at the time of the royal Pajajaran

Water source, located at the foot of Mount Tampomas the North, with the debit of water 202 liters per second. The beauty of nature with flora and fauna which are still intact original Nature Tourism Activities That Can Do

Nature tourism activities that can be done is: Enjoy the beautiful scenery and cool mountain climbing and cross country Photographing Camping Facilities and Infrastructure The infrastructure is still very minimal, there are currently only: Pos Pos guard trail tickets.

Travel route to get to the location of Mount Tampomas Natural Park are:
Bandung - Soil - Cibeureum Wetan - Cimalaka, as far as ± 53 km Cirebon - Duchy - Cibeureum Wetan ± 74 Km From Cibeureum Wetan - Cimalaka to the location (entrance area) ± 6 km, with the condition of the gravel road.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a camp during the 2nd war.I like to know where the camp was .Was it close to Malang.Thanks