Sunday, August 30, 2009

indonesia can rules the world

we will told you a story about our country :

One morning in Bandar Lampung, i pick someone in airport. The man was old, 60-year range. Call him an oldman. The oldman is a businessman from Singapore, with the accent speaking style melayu, indonesia, (or english?) he experienced and tells us that life is still young. Starting from business experience, spiritual, family, even hehehe .. romance
"Your country is so rich!"
Ah it really unusual words we heard. But wait....
"Indonesia doesn't need the world, but the world need indoensia "
"Everything can be found here in Indonesia, u dont need the world "
"It's easy, Indonesia is the lungs of the world. cut of woods Borneo your self, the world would end. World need Indonesia! "
"Singapore is nothing, we cannot be rich without Indonesia. 500,000 people on holiday to Indonesia singapore each month. can imagine the money that comes into us? apartemen2 and our recent condo purchased by indonesian people, indonesian people doesn't care exorbitant prices, sells. Look at the house our hospital, the Indonesia all the treatment. " "You know how our government when Indonesia forest smoke in? yes we really really got panic. very taste, we are nothing."
"You don't know that in August last world rice crisis. included in singapore and malaysia? you're in Indonesia easily to get rice "
"Look at your country, clean water everywhere behold Our country, our water was purchased from malaysia. I never went to kalimantan, even sand also contains gems. ifglitter look no sun shines. Farmers there Rp3000/kg sold to a factory in China. And the factory sell for Rp 30,000. I see my own "
"You realize that other country was afraid to embargo Indonesia? Yes, because your country has everything. They are afraid if you become independent, hence not in the embargo. should be is your Embargo to yourselves. Buy from your own farmers, buy the cloth by your own garment and textile fabrique.
"If you can be independent, able to MYSELF embargo, Indonesia will rules the world"

i know the statement is little bit selfish, but this is the opinion of singaporean businessman. this articles taken from kaskus


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