Spending Christmas away from home can be hard. It can feel strange when your feel like you should be wearing snow boots when it’s 40 degrees outside. The key thing to have the best time is to embrace the change. There are heaps of Sydney bars and restaurants as well as hotels that offer great Christmas holiday events specifically designed for overseas students and backpackers. So get your tinsel on and check out our tips for having a ripper Aussie Christmas:
Embrace the warmth
If you are usually enjoying eggnog by the fire and making snowmen outside your home, take this as an opportunity to experience something completely different. Get into the spirit of things and find as many events as you can to attend in the weeks leading up to Christmas. If youʼre feeling low about missing out on snow (rhyme not intended) then having fun meeting other young people spending Christmas overseas is a great way to get you in the mood for some serious Aussie Christmas activities!
Get your friends together
Late November is the time to rally the troops and organise what you will be doing over the Christmas break and specifically, how you will be spending Christmas day. Lunches and events book out fast so being organised is crucial. Remember, most places wonʼt be open so winging it if you donʼt plan to cook is not an option.
Bondi is the tourists mecca when visiting Sydney and Christmas day is no exception. There are guaranteed to be plenty of parties and Christmas fun at the beach so work that in to your Christmas celebrations for good measure.
Donʼt leave anything to the last minute
Apart from organising how you will be spending Christmas Day, make sure you donʼt leave sending gifts and cards back home to the last minute. Itʼs better for them to get their gifts early than late, so try to get all of your shopping done so you can have your gifts sent off and can really enjoy your first Christmas in Australia minus the stress.
Christmas Cheer recovery kit
This may be something you want to organise for yourself as you are sure to have perhaps just a little too much fun on Christmas day (and why not, it is Christmas after all?!). Here, weʼve listed some of the tourist survivor essentials youʼll need on Boxing Day, to guarantee youʼll be back to old self by New Yearʼs Eve:
- Aloe vera gel/cream- No matter how much sunscreen you can lather on, if the day is hot and you are in and out of the water, you are bound to get at least a little burnt. You may not reach the lobster stage but red, tender skin can be uncomfortable. Have a bottle of soothing aloe vera gel on hand so you can lather your skin up every few hours to restore it to its former glory.
- Aspirin/Paracetamol- Itʼs easy to overindulge at Christmas which can result in a bit of a sorehead the next day. Have some pain killers on hand to help with that cement mixer in your head.
- Bottled water- The hot weather not only dehydrates your skin, but your body too. Guzzle up lots of water to help your body restore hydration and help process that extra two helpings of Christmas dinner.
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